
Fun and Easy English with Elvira(어학교육분야)[접수중]


모집요강 주/야간, 정원, 강의기간, 시간, 수강료, 강좌개요, 강의목표 정보제공
번호 00057
학기 1학기
주간/야간 야간
정원 15
강의기간 03.04. ~ 06.14.
수강신청링크 http://tkis.kunsan.ac.kr/generate/KSNU/index_leduws010.jsp
수강료 200,000
강좌개요 - Student will develop confidence to use the language as a second language.
- Learn how to express theselves while engaging in a conversation.
강의목표 - To encouarge student to more lenient using the language.
- Be more familiar on how to make easier and useful expressions.
비고 교재명(출판사) : Reading Explorer (2015)
저자 : Nancy Douglas and David Bohlke


※ 좌우 스크롤하여 확인하실 수 있습니다.

강의내용(실습내용) 주, 일자, 강의내용, 비고 정보제공
강의내용(실습내용) 비고
1 Introduction : Each student will introduce themselves. The Incredible Dolphin. Read and Discuss the topic. Learn new expressions related to the reading. New Century reading. 1 Text Book
2 Musical Elephant. Read and discuss with more explanation. New expressions will be learned.Students opinion and ideas will share in the class.
3 The trip of a lifetime. Red and discuss. After discussion, Students will participates to a free talking session to talk about their own experiences
4 Free talking about a lifetime experience.
5 Adventure Island read and discuss the topic and Sharing ideas about cultures
6 Hip-Hop Planet (Read and discuss) A Musical Boost (Read and discuss)
7 Life Beyond Earth (Read and discuss) Learn new expressions relate to the topic.
8 Living in space (Read and discuss) Do free talking about science life in space.
9 Free topic: Students will present their own topic.
10 Global Cities. (Read and discuss) Rio Reborn. (Read and discuss)
11 In One Cubic Foot. (Read and discuss) free talking related to the topic.
12 A Wold within us. (Read and discuss) Sharing opinions,
13 The truth about Dinosaurs (Read and disc Sharing ideas about dinosaurs,
14 Mystery of the Terrible Hand. (Read and discuss)
15 Do free talking about the topics they had learned.

강의 미리보기



강사사진 강사 엘비라
전담교수(강사정보) 학력, 이력 및 경력사항, 교육수료사항, 자격증/저서, 강의사진, 강의동영상링크 제공
학력사항 Philippine Airforce College of Aeronautics(Bachelor of Science in Education)
이력 및 경력사항 YMCA여성인력개발센터 영어회화(2003.08~현재)
지평선 중학교 영어회화 강사(2008.03~2012.12)

공공누리KOGL 공공저작물 자유이용허락

  • 공공저작물 자유이용 허락
국립군산대학교 에서 제작한 "일반교육과정" 저작물은 "공공누리 " 공공저작물 자유이용 허락표시 적용 안함 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
  • 담당부서 : 평생교육원
  • 담당자 : 홍승지
  • 연락처 : 063-469-4917
  • 최종수정일 : 2019-06-12
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